Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

The Senior Leadership Team of DPDgroup UK Ltd, led by the Chief Executive Officer, has overall responsibility for maintaining high standards of health, safety and wellbeing, for everyone working for or on behalf of the company, contractors and visitors.

We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and ill-health, suitable for their purpose and appropriate to our size, context and the nature of our risk profile.

Our strategic health and safety goal is to have the safest place to work and to ensure that everyone who works for us goes home safe at the end of the working day knowing their health, safety and wellbeing matters.

We have established a framework, Health, Safety & Wellbeing Strategy and a Health and Safety Steering Committee for setting our Health and Safety objectives.

We are committed to the following:

  • Fulfil our legal requirements and any other requirements
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce risks
  • Continual improvement of our health and safety management system
  • Consult with our workers, trade unions and safety representatives
  • Provision of a safe and healthy working environment
  • Prevention or reduction of work-related injury or illness
  • Provision of adequate resources of time, money and expertise
  • Provision of clear instruction, information and training on health & safety matters
  • Provision of safe plant and equipment
  • Provision of safe systems of work

This Policy will be reviewed regularly and revised whenever required.

Elaine Kerr
Chief Executive Officer

for and on behalf of DPDgroup UK Limited

20 May 2024